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Volunteer Spotlight: Curtis Casto

Updated: Apr 24

Paddle for Heroes volunteer and Army Veteran, Curtis Casto has been very productive these last few months. Curtis is the "King Steward" for the Kokosing River and paddles the river weekly, picking up trash and reporting river hazards to the proper authorities as needed.

Casto fabricates Onion Box Dispensers, which he places at access points along the Muskingum Watershed. The 40 dispensers that Casto has already completed and placed are checked weekly. Casto knows the importance of communication and is adept at keeping in contact with area park districts, non-profits, and volunteers to help with the maintenance and stocking of the dispensers.

He has volunteered countless hours of his time fabricating and maintaining dispensers for Paddle for Heroes. Many have been honored with his tenacity, care, and engaging personality. Curtis makes friends wherever he goes.

Although Casto is a machine when it comes to his craft, no one can do this alone. As the project has grown; paddlers, volunteers, and sponsors have come forward to give their support. Many hands make light work and Casto is one to understand this.

The nonprofit is in hopes of also garnering the support of local schools, by involving students in the construction and painting of dispensers for future use along area rivers. Businesses, Park Districts, and those wanting to sponsor a dispenser or volunteer are encouraged to contact Paddle for Heroes for more information.

Paddle for Heroes is a nonprofit 501c3 organization that involves veterans, first responders, and their families with river clean ups, community projects, and the therapeutic healing of paddling.

Please visit to learn more.

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